Baby Naming Ceremony | Brit Bat
Cantor Deborah Staiman so enjoys officiating at the Jewish baby naming of a boy or girl. This ritual, the first of the Jewish life cycles, is such a wonderful, meaningful, heart-warming moment
of celebration and hope, when the new born child is welcomed into the Jewish Covenant, thereby linking her to the history of the Jewish people.
Through her name she will also be a link in the history of her family as well as to the present and of course the future of the family's legacy.
The Jewish baby naming of a girl is a relatively new custom. Brit Bat (Welcoming the Daughter to the Covenant) or Simchat Bat (Celebration of the Daughter) are newly coined terms for this ceremony.
Cantor Staiman has created a beautiful baby naming cermony which includes readings, a personal baby naming address along with blessings,
poetry and songs welcoming the newest member of the family into his/her home and also into the Jewish community-at-large.
The ceremony also provides an opportunity for the involvement of family members and is an opportunity for the parents to explain to family and friends why a particular name or names were chosen for their child.
- An initial complimentary consultation with Cantor Staiman
- Additional meetings if requested
- A personalized baby naming ceremony
- Musical design which includes blessings and songs
- A personal baby naming address about the child's name and it's significance
- A baby-naming certificate as an official record of the name-giving ceremony